Sunday, 28 December 2008


BETE.... BETE.... males......... males...... =)) koneksi internet dudulz, elmouttttttttzzz banetzzzz hahaha. Gimana tidak bete, seharian upload gagal mulu hikz. Beginilah nasib kalo tidak berpihak pada dirikyu :). Semoga lebih sabar dengan keadaan seperti ini wkwkwkwkwk =))=)) (gambar diambil dari $169,300 Per Year for This?)

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Artikel Gratis untuk blog atau website adalah tempat artikel-artikel bahasa inggris gratis yang bagus buat blog-blog yang jarang diupdate agar terisi terus setiap hari dengan artikel yang banyak pilihan kategori yang disukai. "Free Articles Directory" telah menyediakan itu semua dan artikel tersebut juga seo friendly untuk digunakan. Atau anda ingin memasukkan artikel bahasa inggris kamu agar website atau blog kamu mendapatkan serp di google bagus dengan kata kunci yang anda inginkan. Fungsi dari "free articles directory" itu sendiri yaitu sebagai tempat backlink yang sangat bagus dan juga bisa untuk meningkatkan trafik website atau blog kamu. Jadi jangan tunggu lagi ayo silahkan kunjungi situs kami.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Pasang Iklan Baris Gratis Sampai Puas

Satu lagi situs iklan baris gratis yang dapat dijadikan tempat promosi yang oke punya yaitu di Pasang Iklan Baris Gratis. Situs ini kami bikin agar dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin, dengan adanya situs ini anda dapat sepuasnya beriklan ria di tempat yang kami sediakan. Anda dapat beriklan mulai dari Jual Rumah, tanah, hp, elektronik, lowongan kerja, bisnis, komputer, dan apapun dapat anda iklankan di situs kami. Untuk optimasinya sendiri sudah dioptimasi seoptimal mungkin agar iklan anda bisa mendapatkan ranking bagus di search engine, seperti google, yahoo, msn, dll.

Dan kami berharap agar layanan kami dapat bermanfaat bagi semuanya. Selamat beriklan ria di situs pasang iklan baris gratis kami dan semoga mendapatkan respon bagus dari pengunjung atau visitor.

Salam sukses

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Busby SEO Test - Maju Perut Pantat Mundur

Busby SEO Test adalah sebuah keyword untuk kontes yang diadakan Busby Web Solutions, dimana peserta dalam waktu 4 bulan bisa menempati 5 besar di search engine google. Di kontes tersebut banyak peserta yang mengikutinya, salah satunya ya saya ini hehehe, baru 15 hari blog saya di wordpress telah menjadi korban dari kesalahan saya sendiri, dimana saya menunggangi blog tersebut agar blog kontes agar dapat memperoleh ranking yang bagus. Memang dasar nasib mau digimanain, pokoknya maju....... PERUT.......... PANTAT.......... Mundur........ buat Busby SEO Test wkwkwkwkwk =)). Pokoknya kalo ga saya yang menang ya peserta dari Indonesia harus menang hehehe :) , go go Indonesia. Blogger juga manusia hehehe kayak lagunya serius band yang diplesetkan wkwkwkwk =)).

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Gratis Pasang Iklan Baris Sepuasnya

Akhirnya selesai juga penggantian theme pada gratis pasang iklan yang kami buat pertama kali saat awal mengenal apa itu wordpress engine. Dengan tampilan baru situs itu sekarang menjadi lebih enak dipandang dan juga tidak kalah dalam adu search engine optimization yang kemarin pernah tenggelam karena tidak diurus sama sekali. Sekarang anda bisa mengiklan sepuasnya di situs kami, akan tetapi sekarang situs itu aku moderasi untuk mencegah double posting biar iklan yang masuk bisa diapprove satu saja. :) Dengan menjamurnya situs iklan baris gratis, kami mencoba untuk meningkatkan perfoma dari situs layanan kami untuk waktu-waktu yang akan datang agar lebih baik dalam melayani advertiser-advertiser yang ingin beriklan di situs iklan baris gratis kami. Semoga situs kami bisa melayani dengan sebaik-baiknya walaupun sekarang ini situs itu kami moderasi. Selamat berkunjung dan mencoba menggunakan layanan pemasangan iklan baris gratis kami. Salam sukses selalu :)

Friday, 15 August 2008

Cegah Satwa Punah

Salah satu usaha untuk melestarikan satwa kepunahan adalah dengan mengkampanyekan "cegah satwa punah". Walaupun dengan tulisan, itu merupakan sebuah cara selain ikut dalam organisasi-organisasi pelestarian satwa yang sekarang ini banyak sekali macamnya. Kita semua pasti tahu bahwa tulisan juga merupakan cara efektif dan inovatif, apalagi internet sekarang sudah dapat diakses di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Semoga dengan adanya kontes cegah satwa punah dapat mensosialisasikan bahwa perburuan dan jual beli satwa itu melanggar hukum, tidak proalam. Kontes ini akan berakhir nanti malam jam 24.00 wib, semoga blog yang aku ikutkan kontes dapat ranking yang bagus. Ayo dukung blog cegahku, kabonfootprint, dan busby seo challenge juga ya :D

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Misteri kabonfootprint

Cerita tentang misteri kabonfootprint
Dulu ada yang namanya chan reyan seorang anak desa yang kerjannya membantu orang tuanya di sawah, terus waktu itu pada sore hari chan reyan ditinggal bapaknya pulang, karena chan reyan sendiri masih pengen bermain di pematang sawah. Pada suatu ketika chan reyan mengejar binatang yang misterius di sawahnya yang lebat, dia menelusuri satu persatu padi yang masih hijau, eh waktu dia buka daun padi itu dia melihat atau menemukan ada sesuatu seperti binatang, setelah dia mendekatinya, binatang misterius itu masuk lubang di area persawahan milik bapaknya, dengan wajah penasaran chan reyan mendekati lubang itu. Dengan ketakutan yang sangat chan reyan mengintip lubang yang telah dimasuki hewan misterius itu, dia mengintip dengan perasaan was-was. Eh setelah diintip lubang itu ternyata lubang besar yang besarnya seperti gua, terus dia masuk dengan tidak membawa apa-apa, setelah masuk chan reyan menemukan sesuatu yang berbentuk besar dan berwarna hitam menyeramkan. Kemudian chan reyan bertanya kepada binatang misterius itu "Heh, kamu siapa?", Si binatang misterius itu menjawab "saya kabonfootprint yang sedang mengikuti kontes cegah satwa punah dan busby seo challenge" :)) hahahaha......

Friday, 8 August 2008

Kontes Cegah satwa punah semakin mendekati finish

kita tahu bahwa satwa kita banyak sekali di Indonesia, tapi karena kejahatan-kejahatan kita mengakibatkan satwa kritis atau terancam musnah, kalau kita biarkan ini akan berdambak bagi kita sendiri, karena apabila ekosistem satwa atau hewan putus, maka kita sendiri yang menerima segala akibat yang kita timbulkan itu, seperti gagal panen, banjir, panas bumi, dll. Itu semua diakibatkan karena keseimbangan alam terganggu. Maka dari itu kita harus dapat menjaga kelestarian alam, termasuk juga melestarikan satwa langka. Blog cegah satwa punah punyaku yang merupakan blog untuk mengikuti kontes, tetapi juga berusaha mengajak orang untuk sayang pada satwa dan melestarikan atau melindungi satwa yang kita miliki. Kontes SEO Cegah satwa punah itu sendiri diselenggarakan oleh adsense-sby yang sudah berlangsung 2 bulanan. Selain kontes Adsense-SBY, ada juga kontes SEO dari luar yang sama tujuannya yaitu melestarikan alam, dengan kata kunci kabonfootprint yang diselenggarakan pada awal Agustus 2008 dan berakhir pada akhir bulan September 2008. Saya berharap anda dapat mendukung saya dalam kontes seo ini, agar posisi saya di google mendapatkan yang terbaik :) , untuk itu sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih

Friday, 1 August 2008

kabonfootprint, I'm coming :)

Kontes SEO ada lagi n sudah dimulai fiuhhh.... yang satu belom kelar eh dateng lagi kontes yang lain dengan kata kunci kabonfootprint. Tapi nggak apa2, itung-itung belajar sambil mengoptimasi site2 yang banyak belum dioptimasi hehehe :) .

Kontes Busby SEO Challenge sendiri sudah mendekati finish dan sudah sangat ketat persaingannya, dan walaupun blog saya diurutan belakang tapi masih tetep berusaha untuk bisa di 10 besar lagi chayooo :) . Banyak Blogger Indonesia seperti nama Abang2 ini nih : Ardhi Nugraha, Arhan, ayaw, Brokencode, Catung, cebhonk, Dewaji, Imfreakz, JackBook, Kookaburra, Lumonata, Pogung177, Ray Astho, Selikoer, xoonco, lagibosen ikutan kontes yang baru aja dibuka kali yah. dan moga2 Blogger Indonesia ada yang menang.

Sebetulnya kata kunci untuk kontes seo yang baru ini ak ga tau harus bikin posting kayak apa huehuehehe.... Judulnya aja kabonfootprint, mungkin aja kabon itu binatang mirip gorila (babon kali yah hahaha) trus kalo foot kan artinya kaki dan print artinya mencetak, berarti mungkin maksudnya mencetak kaki binatang babon =))=))wkwkwkwkwk.... hush... dari pada pusing mending tidur dulu ah, nanti aja ngeblognya :) ZzzzzZZZZ

Monday, 19 May 2008

Kampanye Cegah Satwa Punah

Satwa di Indonesia sangat mengkhawatirkan sekali, terancam kepunahannya dikarenakan pemburu-pemburu satwa makin mengganas, ayo dukung kampanye cegah satwa punah dengan me-link blog ini >>>, banyak binatang satwa yang dibunuh dan diperjual-belikan oleh pemburu satwa, ekosistem kita akan rusak. Dan kekhawatiran bencana alam akan terus melanda bumi kita, karena tadi keseimbangan alam sudah rusak. Maka dari itu kita harus mengkampanyekan cegah satwa punah untuk menyelamatkan bumi ini dari kehancuran.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Taxi Driver

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is waiting at a taxi stand outside the railway station in Paris. When a taxi pulls up, he puts his suitcase in the front taxi-driver where he wants to go, the driver asks him, "Where can I take you, Mr. Doyle?" Doyle is flabbergasted. He asks the driver whether he knows him by sight. The driver says, "No, sir, I have never seen you before." The puzzled Doyle asks him what makes him think that he is Conan Doyle. The driver replies, "This morning's paper had a story about you being on vacation in Marseilles. This is the taxi stand where people who return from Marseilles always come to. Your skin color tells me you have been on vacation. The ink-spot on your right index finger suggests to me that you are a writer. Your clothing is very English, and not French. Adding up all those pieces of information, I deduce that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."
Doyle says, "This is a truly amazing deduction. You are a real-life counter-part to my fictional creation, Sherlock Holmes."
"There is one other thing," the driver says.
"What is that?" Doyle asks.
"YOur name," the driver replies, "is on the front of your suitcase."

Final Forewell

A lawyer read the will of a rich man to the deceased's family: "To my loving wife Rose, who stood by me in rough times, as well as good, I leave the house and $2 million." The lawyer continued, "To my daughter Jessica, who looked after me in sickness and kept the business going, I leave the yacht, the business and $1 million." The lawyer concluded, "And, to my cousin Dan, who hated me, argued with me, and thought that I would never mention him in my will - well, you are wrong. Hi Dan!"

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

SEOContest2008 Tsunami

Losing My seocontest2008 blog because seocontest2008 tsunami

The original image come from PhotoshopContest, Tsunami Alert

Monday, 10 March 2008

Support and link my seocontest2008 now or die !!!

Support and link my seocontest2008 now or die !!!

I will drubs you all seocontest2008 contestants...

I will drubs you... all seocontest2008 contestants...........

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Can I No.1 in seocontest2008 ?

I'm blogging that!!!

Blogging Fodder

Mafia's Accountant

The Godfather, accompanied by his attorney, enters a room to meet his accountant. The Godfather asks the accountant, "Where's the three million bucks you embezzled from me?" The accountant doesn't answer. The Godfather asks again, "Where's the three million bucks you embezzled from me?"
The attorney interrupts, "Sir, the man is a deaf-mute and cannot understand you, but I can interpret for you."
The Godfather says, "Well, ask him where the @#!* money is!"
The attorney, using sign language, asks the accountant the same question. The accountant signs back, "I don't know what you're talking about." The attorney interprets to the Godfather, "He doesn't know what you're talking about."
The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to the temple of the accountant, cocks the trigger and says, "Ask him again where the @#!* money is!"
The attorney signs to the accountant, "He wants to know where it is!" The accountant signs back, "Okay, Okay! The money's hidden in a suitcase behind the shed in my backyard!"
The Godfather says, "Well, what did he say?"
The attorney interprets to the Godfather, "He says that you don't have the guts to pull the trigger."

Were you ever arrested?

A lawyer was filling out a job application when he came to the question when he came to the question: "Have you ever been arrested?" He answered no to the question. The next question, intended for those who answered the preceding question with a yes, was "Why?" Nevertheless, the lawyer answered it: "Never got caught."

One-Armed Bandit

A lawyer defending a man accused of burglary tried this creative defense: "My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offense committed by his limb."

"Well put," the judge replied. "Using your logic, I sentence the defendant's arm to one year's imprisonment. He can accompany it or not, as he chooses." The defendant smiled. With his lawyer's assistance he detached his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

My "Seocontest2008" order in

Now yes in 71th order on page 16, really difficult to get the top 100 or 10 :)
Please support me and link my site in your site :) thank you so much

This is screenshot of my "seocontest2008" order :)

seocontest2008, winner or loser?

seocontest2008, what do you want? winner or loser?

you LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just learn about search engine optimization :)
To uncle Pogung177 & Friends - Seocontest2008 Good Luck :) bravo....

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Top 5 seocontest2008 (temporary)

Seocontest2008 is very hard, all people ambitious to be no.1 and to be winner of seocontest2008, this is top 5 "seocontest2008" site (temporary):

(update hourly)

Monday, 3 March 2008


The UK Webmaster World Community have launched an international seo contest and the winner will receive $1000 and each 3 runners up will get $100. :)

I have joined search engine optimization contest "seocontest2008" by UK Webmaster World SEO Contest and I found in UKWW Forum SEO Contest

Contest begun on 1st of February 2008 and ended on the 1st of April at 1pm, United Kingdom time. :)

Please link to me :) thanks friends

Good Luck "seocontest2008" contestants :)

seocontest2008 My Dear Forehead

One night I was worried sick because I still didn't have the money to pay the last installment of my course fee and attending about seocontest2008. And the deadline was the nextday! After scrounging around among all my belongings, including my piggy bank, I was relieved to find some money in my binder. So the next day, I went to my course to pay the fee. After getting the receipt I thought happily, "Well, everything is OK now." Apparently I was too happy to see the glass door in front of me. And "Wham!" I crashed against the door. Everyone in the room could hear the sound and started to grin at me. the office clerk hollered in, "Oh my God! Please be careful!" I walked out feeling totally freaked out, complete with a swollen and red forehead.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is something you should consider before submitting your website to the search engines. A well optimized website can bring lots of visitors to your website from the search engines. SEO is the process of modifying your web page to get better rankings with the search engines. One thing you should consider is how to use meta tags and keywords, although this is not as important as it used to be. If possible
it is best if you use your top keywords in your domain name. Then you should provide content and meta tags based on your top keywords.

seocontest2008 burger

These tips and advice are intended for everyone, irrespective of experience levels. I sincerely hope that these articles can be of some value to you and that it may be the start of a creative and rewarding new hobby.

Making seocontest2008 Hamburgers tip #1: If you want the very best tasting seocontest2008 burger all your ingredients must be of the highest quality, point. That includes the meat, herbs, spices, veg, bread roll, mayo and anything else you might be adding. Here I would strongly recommend grinding the meat of your choice yourself or alternatively have a butcher coarse grind it specifically for you.

If you are on a tight budget a burger offers excellent value and potential. Great taste, healthy, endless options and economical too. You will go far to beat the value a burger offers.

Tougher cuts of meat are cheaper but not necessarily less flavourful. You might have to sacrifice a coarse grind but when the meat is fine ground the toughness goes and the flavour stays. Look out for cuts of beef that are on sale and compare the prices to the cost of the pre-ground meat. The quality will inevitably be better than that of pre-ground beef and many butchers will grind the meat for you at no extra cost.

Chicken and lean pork are great alternatives, always tender, tasty and generally a lot cheaper than beef. They both make healthy and great tasting seocontest2008 burgers.

Keywords seocontest2008

Be sure to use the keyword phrases of seocontest2008 that you also used in the copy of your page, title tag, meta description, and other tags. Do not use multiple instances of the same tag. For example, using more than one title tag. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam. Do not use any keywords in your keywords seocontest2008 meta tag that do not directly relate to the content of your page. Always ensure that whatever terms you place in your Meta keyword tag also appear in the body of copy. You do not want to be considered a spammer. The only exception that can be made here is for common misspellings of a word. They can add a small boost to your Internet traffic, as not everyone was a spelling bee champion in grade school. Make sure you accurately describe the content of your page while trying to entice visitors to click on your listing. Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases of seocontest2008. Especially those used in your Title tag and page copy. Each page of your site should have it's own title tag with it's own seocontest2008 keywords that related to the page that it appears on.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Privacy Policy

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